Sunday, January 11, 2009

January 10th

I woke up in the morning a bit sore as usual, with the odd mark from sleeping on the floor. I was at my parent's for the weekend, so I had to be a bit more careful because I can't lock my bedroom door and my parents are nosy. Throughout the day, I didn't do much in the way of pet-type things. I had a small snack in the afternoon and ate it in my bowl, and I always lapped up my drinks. My buttplug continued to annoy me so I was hoping to get my time with it in lessened. 

I met Master online at around 9pm and about 30 minutes later, I was put in my cage. This time was different though. I mentioned the details of my predicament in my "Punishments" entry. 
I forgot to mention though that I had my vibrator in as well while I typed up my entry and it made it very hard to type quickly, along with the way my hands were cuffed and wedged through my bars. If I came while I was writing up my entry, I would be left in my cage all night. Master allowed me a 5 minute break from the vibe, but in return I would have to kneel in the corner after my caging for an hour with 20 clothespins on each breast! I took it and tried to get through as much typing as I could without the vibe in me. Master ultimately offered me 5 breaks for which each one added 20 minutes and 10 clothespins to my kneeling later. I ended up taking 2 more breaks!! I was very close to cumming near the end so I had to take constant breaks to avoid it. Thankfully, Master let me take away the 20 minutes on my last break so I my kneeling would 1 hour and 40 minutes with 20 clothespins on each boob, 5 on each of my pussy lips, 5 on each of my inner thighs, and 1 on my tongue, 3 on each side of my ribcage, 1 on the bridge of my nose, and 1 on each earlobe! I basically cried a little thinking about it but I didn't want to be caged all night either. 

I am lucky to have such a nice Master. He approved of my entry and let me out of my cage and allowed me to finally remove my buttplug!! Yay! :) Master also put my vibe in on high and I was allowed to cum once I begged for it. I hadn't been relieved in quite a while, it felt amazing! I went limp for a couple minutes :) Master also allowed me to sleep in my bed for the first time in several days! It was well worth it. Now I'm just dreading my kneeling, because I was having a friend over after my caging and I had to do my daily blog regardless. Unfortunately, since my friend was over, I will now do my kneeling when I talk to Master next and since this is late I think it'll be twice as long and double the pins!!! I really hope not!

PS. Thank you everyone who is reading this! I'm not a very good writer but I enjoy doing this because my life as a slave has been amazing thus far. Like Master said, any comments would be appreciated! Luvs


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